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2024 tour schedule

It’s winter, and Sweden is covered in beautiful snow. It’s months and months since we last drove the tour together and we are all beginning to dream of the offroad summer 2024, Swedish nature and the best company. It’s time to start planning your 2024 summer. Rest assure, the (preliminary) tour schedule for 2024 is now available to make things easier!

We are really pleased to present next years locations for you, and extra glad to welcome back Hofors and Botkyrka!

(updatated after original post)
13.7 Sågbacken-Hästveda
14.7 Mölleröd-Hässleholm
15.7 Vånga-Kristianstad
16.7 Osby-Ofroadbanan
17.7 Växjö-Bergunda
18.7 Ulås-Värnamo
19.7 Greppek-Oskarshamn
20.7 Olerum-Söderköping
21.7 Brändåsen-Kumla
22.7 Björnhyttan-Ludvika
23.7 Aspnäs-Säter
24.7 SMK Motorstadium-Hedemora
25.7 Böle-Hofors
26.7 Rest day
27.7 Botkyrka-Stockholm
28.7 Sandlycke-Strängnäs


All the best,

Frida & Peter