The 30th year of Sweden’s greatest offroad event
Sweden Offroad Tour is Sweden’s greatest 4×4 adventure covering 16 days on 16 different offroad areas in the Southern half of the country. Go on and off and on the tour whenever you want without pre-registration! Pay and play format with payment on site.
SOT is for everyone from the new beginner in an original 4×4 who takes part in one day nearby – to those in a modified and equipped vehicle who drives many SOT days. Bring your friends, partner, children and don’t forget the dog!
Expect all kinds of terrain; endless forest trails, mud holes, beds of stones, slickrock, sand, grass, water, motocross tracks, etcetera. On some of the offroad areas you must stay on the trails, but they also offer free driving areas.
Payment on offroad area, no pre-registration. 300 SEK/30 EUR per vehicle and offroad day.
Let’s chat!
Need more information? Contact us as per below details.