Posted on in new design has completely new design! And with the program and map for 2021. Made by our social media administrator Frida Ericsson.

The homepage is more modern, lively, beautiful with high quality photos. Plus a clock counting down the days, hours and minutes when 26th Sweden Offroad Tour 3-18.7 2021 starts!

Together with plus tour we hope for even more participants for 2021.

Cooper Tires is back sponsoring us with four Cooper Discoverer STT offroad tires to be given away in our SOT lottery. Free camping is also allowed on most SOT areas the night before, something participants have asked for.

Corona vaccination starts in EU on December 27. The Swedish goverment has promised that all Swedes 18 year and over will be vaccinated during the first half of 2021. We therefore count on a corona free Sweden Offroad Tour 2021!